Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Compute job access X?

CyberGIS Compute creates a job.json file that includes:

    "job_id": string,
    "user_id": string,
    "hpc": string,
    // user parameters input
    "param": {
        "param_a": 1,
        "param_b": "value"
    "executable_folder": string, // path to the executable code
    "data_folder": string, // path to the uploaded data
    "result_folder": string // path to the download data folder

You can access these parameters and values through system environment variables:

import os
os.environ['param_param_a'] # access param['param_a']

What do the Job Events Mean?

The job events in the “Your Job Status” gives you real-time information on what is happening with your job. Here is a brief description on what each means:

  • JOB_QUEUED means that the job has entered the CyberGIS-Compute Core’s queue of jobs.

  • JOB_REGISTERED means that the job has been sent to the HPC resource.

  • GLOBUS_TRANSFER_INIT_SUCCESS means that we are able to transfer any uploaded data to the HPC resource with Globus.

  • JOB_INIT means that the job has begun running on the HPC resource.

  • JOB_ENDED means that the job has completed on the HPC resource.

Why are my Results not Downloading?

Note that CyberGIS-Compute only downloads the from the result folder. You can get the path to this with the “result_folder” environment variable (os.environ[“result_folder”] in Python).


If your code doesn’t allow you specify an output path for your data, a common approach is to use the post-processing script to copy whatever you need to the result folder.