Source code for mycybergis.uiuc

import folium
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from typing import List

[docs]def get_uiuc_polygon() -> Polygon: """ Returns a shapely.geometry.Polygon surrounding UIUC. Returns: shapely.geometry.Polygon representing UIUC Todo: Add other places! """ lats = [40.0837, 40.0835, 40.1163, 40.116, 40.098, 40.098, 40.0837] lons = [-88.2095, -88.2469, -88.24, -88.219, -88.219, -88.2096, -88.2095] return Polygon(zip(lons, lats))
[docs]def get_uiuc_gdf() -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Returns a gpd.GeoDataFrame representing UIUC. Uses :func:`mycybergis.uiuc.get_uiuc_polygon`. Returns: gpd.GeoDataFrame representing UIUC. See Also: :func:`mycybergis.uiuc.get_uiuc_polygon` """ return gpd.GeoDataFrame(index=[0], crs='epsg:4326', geometry=[get_uiuc_polygon()])
[docs]def get_map_of_uiuc(center: List[float] = [40.098, -88.219], zoom: int = 11) -> folium.Map: """ Creates and returns a folium.Map instance of UIUC. Args: center (List[float]): the lon, lat for the center of the map. zoom (int): the starting level of zoom. Returns: folium.Map showing UIUC Tip: Maps are fun! """ m = folium.Map(center, zoom_start=zoom) folium.GeoJson(get_uiuc_polygon()).add_to(m) return m
[docs]def get_uiuc_buffered_gdf(buffer: float = 1000, buffer_crs: str = "ESRI:102003", output_crs: str = "EPSG:4326") -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Returns a gpd.GeoDataFrame of UIUC with a buffer of size `buffer` in `buffer_crs` units and returns the GeoDataFrame in crs `output_crs`. Args: buffer (float): size of the buffer in `buffer_crs` units. Default is 1000. buffer_crs (str): authority string for Coordinate Reference System to calculate buffer on output_crs (str): authority string for return gpd.GeoDataFrame Returns: gpd.GeoDataFrame of UIUC with buffer """ uiuc = get_uiuc_gdf() uiuc = uiuc.to_crs(buffer_crs) uiuc.geometry = uiuc.geometry.buffer(buffer) return uiuc.to_crs(output_crs)