1. Sphinx-Quickstart

First, we are going to setup the basics with the sphinx-quickstart command. The Sphinx “Getting Started” page offers more details beyong this walkthrough.


Before you start, please setup a Github account, an environment with Git and Sphinx installed and have some kind of Python package management software. I recommend venv or conda. The tutorial assumes you have Sphinx installed and some way to install Python packages.


Unfortunately, Sphinx pages don’t seem to work completely on JupyterHub or Jupyterlab so I recommend doing this work locally. Jupyterlab seems to work for individual simple pages (hence the screenshots below), but not in general.

  1. Fork and clone the repo The repository for this work is https://github.com/cybergis/github-pages-demo. Fork it on Github and clone the fork to your laptop. It is important that you fork it because later we will be deploying a page with Github Pages.

Open a terminal and change directories to where you want to do this work:

cd <some path>

Clone the repository and checkout the main branch:

> git clone https://github.com/cybergis/

Cloning into 'github-pages-demo'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 41, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (41/41), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (32/32), done.
remote: Total 41 (delta 3), reused 41 (delta 3), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (41/41), 255.51 KiB | 1.84 MiB/s, done.

> cd github-pages-demo/
> git checkout main

Switched to branch 'main'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

2. Install packages Create a file called “requirements.txt” in docs/ and copy/paste the following:


Once you have this file, install the packages with pip:

> pip install -r requirements.txt

We will use those packages later.


The requirements.txt file needs to be in docs/ folder of your repo for when we push everything to Github!

  1. `sphinx-quickstart`

Create a folder docs within the github-pages-demo (the repo) folder:

> mkdir docs

Run the sphinx-quickstart command:

> sphinx-quickstart

The answers to the questions are (or see screenshot below):

> Separate source and build directories (y/n) [n]: n
> Project name: <whatever name you want>
> Author name(s): <your name>
> Project release []: <whatever version you want>
> Project language [en]: en (or the language of your choice, but we will use English)

A screenshot of the sphinx-quickstart command

  1. `make html`

Now, we are going to make the HTML output for the sphinx-quickstart output. From within docs/:

> make html

You can see a screenshot of the output below:


A screenshot of the make html output.

Now, let’s check out the result. In the file browser, go to github-pages-demo > docs > _build > html and open “index.html”. You can see the output below:


A screenshot of the HTML output

  1. A few changes to conf.py

Now, there are a few key changes we are going to make to the conf.py file. In the file browser, find “conf.py” at the path: github-pages-demo/docs/conf.py. We are going to make a couple key changes.

Lines 13-15 should look like this:

# import os
# import sys
# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))

replace them with:

import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../'))

This adds the path “github-pages-demo” folder to the Python path.

Next, you should see the extensions array in Lines 33-34. Replace it with:

extensions = [

These are some key extensions and packages we will use for our site.

Our last change is: replace the html_theme (line 63 after the added extensions) with the below:

html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"

This is the Sphinx Read The Docs Theme.

For fun, you can download a logo image into the docs/_static folder and add the lines:

html_favicon = '_static/favico.ico'  # change to the name of your image
html_logo = '_static/favico.ico'  # change to the name of your image

to your conf.py. This isn’t necessary though. Save these changes.

  1. make html: Part 2

Go back to the terminal (and if needed change directories to our docs folder cd github-pages-demo/docs). Run the make html command again. Now, checkout your index.html file again:


A screenshot of the Sphinx Read The Docs Theme.

NOTE: If you ever had issues with the page seemingly note updated, check that you’ve saved your files and then you can use make clean to clear out the _build folder and run make html again to re-build.