3. Github Actions

At this point, please make your own fork of the repository so you can follow along with the hands-on portion of the demo. You only need to copy the main branch (see figure below):


A screenshot of forking the repo.

The repository can be found here https://github.com/cybergis/team-software-dev-demo

  1. What Are Github Actions?

    Github Actions are workflows that can be automatically triggered. Examples include:

    • Checking code quality.

    • Running automated tests.

    • Building documentation/other websites.

    • Building code artifacts/docker images.

  2. Code Quality Check with Github Actions

    We can use an existing job flake8-lint to run a simple Github Action that will automatically check the code quality of our work going forward!

    We will be using the simple action below. You can name an action whatever you want and we can specify which actions we would like to trigger our job. In our case, all pushes and pull requests will trigger the job which is convenient to ensure that new submissions maintain our code quality.

    Then, we specify the jobs to run. Our only job here is named flake8-lint. This job runs on an ubuntu-latest “runner” (a virtual machine specified by Github) and we can provide the job with a name/label as well. Then, we specify the step in our job:

    1. Check out the repo (we need the code to check its quality!). The checkout action is here.

    2. Setup the Python environment (using the requirements.txt). The setup-python action is here.

    3. Run our flake8 check. The flake8 action is here.

    name: Python Code Quality
    on: [push, pull_request]
            runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            name: Python Code Quality
            - name: Check out source repository
              uses: actions/checkout@v2
            - name: Set up Python environment
              uses: actions/setup-python@v2
                python-version: "3.x"
            - name: flake8 Lint Check
              uses: py-actions/flake8@v1
                path: "mycybergis"
                args: "--ignore=E501,E722,F403,F405"
  3. Running Our Action

    Copy and paste the action from the yaml code block above. On the Github webpage for your fork, click “Add file” in the top-right, then select “Create new file” (you can also add this other ways).


    A screenshot ofcreating a new file.

    Paste the yaml code block into the editor and name your file .github/workflows/CodeQuality.yaml. By placing this yaml file in .github/workflows, Github will recognize the file as an Action.

    Commit your changes and go to the Actions tab on your repo to see the action being run!

  4. Checking On Your Action

    On the Actions tab you should be able to see the results of your Action’s run.


    A screenshot of Action results.

    If you click on the Action you can get further details on the Action including all outputs, warnings, duration, etc.

  5. Action for Pytest

    Here is a yaml for running Pytest automatically. Try adding it to your repo

    name: Pytest
    on: [push]
            runs-on: ubuntu-latest
                    python-version: [ 3.12.3 ]
            - uses: actions/checkout@v2
            - name: Set up Python
              uses: actions/setup-python@v2
                python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
            - name: Install dependencies
              run: |
                python -m pip install --upgrade pip
                pip install -r requirements.txt
            - name: Test with pytest
              run: |
                pip install pytest pytest-cov
                pytest --cov-report=term --cov=mycybergis -s test
                coverage report
  6. More Actions!

    There are a wide variety of actions to help you maintain working and well-formatted code. Explore the Github Actions Marketplace to see the options.